2nd Floor, Alluri Complex Besides KPHB Metro Station, KPHB Hyderabad, Telangana +91-8522026590
Cost of Education

Below is the comparison of education costs

Australia - 12000 AUD

USA - 16000 USD

UK - 13000 POUNDS

NZ - 23000 NZD (under FTS 15000 NZD in ANZ bank for living expenses)

Canada - 14000 CAD

Singapore - 12500 Singapore Dollars

France - 14000 Euros

This doesn’t include application costs, scores reporting costs, tuition and fees, living expenditure, insurance, books and supplies, and other miscellaneous expenses.

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2nd Floor, Alluri Complex, Besides KPHB Metro Station, KPHB Hyderabad, Telangana



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